Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 1st IOHSK conference was held virtually.
A total of 36 presentations (oral and poster) were presented.
Dr. Thom McKenzie Research Award Winners
Taemin Ha, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Brian Dauenhauer, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Lorin Donovan, Syracuse University, USA
Elizabeth Janowitz, Syracuse University, USA
Jordan Jacob, Syracuse University, USA
Jared Rosenburg, Syracuse University, USA
Jeremy Park, Syracuse University, USA
Joon Young Kim, Syracuse University, USA
Faculty Excellence Award Winners​
Min Hyuk Kwon, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, USA​
Joon Young Kim, Syracuse University, USA
Allison Smith, University of New Mexico, USA
John A. Mercer, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, USA
Dongwoo Lee, Gwangju National University of Education, Korea
Brian Dauenhauer, University of Northern Colorado, USA
International Scholarship Award Winners
Leutrim Sokoli, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Granit Ahmeti, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Adonis Ahmeti, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Kadishe Shabani, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Visar Fejzullahu, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Edon Slimi, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
2020-2021 Equipment Assistance Grant (EAG) Award Winners
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 1st IOHSK conference was held virtually.
A total of 36 presentations (oral and poster) were presented.
Dr. Thom McKenzie Research Award Winners
Taemin Ha, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Brian Dauenhauer, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Lorin Donovan, Syracuse University, USA
Elizabeth Janowitz, Syracuse University, USA
Jordan Jacob, Syracuse University, USA
Jared Rosenburg, Syracuse University, USA
Jeremy Park, Syracuse University, USA
Joon Young Kim, Syracuse University, USA
Faculty Excellence Award Winners​
Min Hyuk Kwon, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, USA​
Joon Young Kim, Syracuse University, USA
Allison Smith, University of New Mexico, USA
John A. Mercer, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, USA
Dongwoo Lee, Gwangju National University of Education, Korea
Brian Dauenhauer, University of Northern Colorado, USA
International Scholarship Award Winners
Leutrim Sokoli, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Granit Ahmeti, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Adonis Ahmeti, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Kadishe Shabani, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Visar Fejzullahu, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Edon Slimi, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
2020-2021 Equipment Assistance Grant (EAG) Award Winners

CEO Message

Welcome and thank you for visiting the IOHSK website!
I am Dr. Hosung So, Chief Executive Officer (CEO). We wanted to understand what constitutes great performance and achievement in our professions, what gets in the way of it, what conditions are necessary for it, and what a leader's role is in achieving it. Being good may be good enough for some, but most of our members want more than that. Something inside of us makes us want to be better than good.
We are committed to expanding the way in which members can engage with each other and support one another, especially in professional and academic development. We are actively developing ways to help you connect, grow, learn, and feel inspired in the coming weeks, months, and years. We will be in touch to share new developments, virtual pathways to connect with your fellow members around the world, and opportunities for continued development as you navigate your research, scholarly activities, studies, careers, and service opportunities into the future. The values we share are embodied in what goes on at IOHSK, from day to day. The IOHSK academic and professional model is our platform for success. We will be always on a path of continuous development, collaboration, improvement, success, and dedication.
We also make organizational “responsibility and collaboration” a top priority. Our reputation for organizational integrity attracts great members and even greater opportunities. It is a key to our long-term success. We take pride in having great members from the fields of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology to collaboratively work and to meet the demanding and ever-changing needs of our academic and professional responsibilities. Our leadership in this organization is directly attributable to our talented members’ dedicated attention to their needs and executing effective platform and solutions to achieve success.
Looking to the future, and our next stage of growth, it is important to remember what first inspired this organization to succeed. As a CEO, I have passion for excellence of professional and academic achievements in presentation, publication, global network, collaboration, and community service.
That is the IOHSK, an organization with a bright future! On behalf of the IOHSK, I would like to invite you to explore our website and learn more about all we have to offer. I hope that you will see why we love what we do for our professions in Health, Sports, and Kinesiology.
Wishing you all the very best!

Dr. Hosung So